Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Synonym: Chilli,Red pepper,Spanish pepper
Botanical Source: Capsicum consist of the dried ripe fruit of capsicum frutescence
Family: solanaceae

Form: Oblong,conical,obtuse and two celled
Colour: Dull orange red to brownish red, inferior calyx and straight slender pedicelSeeds 3-4mm(l);loose or attached to a thin reddish dissepiment
Odour: Characteristic
Taste: Pungant
Size: 12-25mm(l) and up to 7mm maximum(w)

Active Constituents

Pungent phenolic component
Capsinoids,amixture of 5 isomeric acid amides-capsacin(70%) – homo capsacin- D hydro capsacin-homo dihydro capsaicin-nordihydro capsacin
Carotinoids(.12-.35%) , Ascorbic acid(.1-.5%) , Fixed oil,flavonoids


2.Nerve stimulent
3.Increase in the capilarity of blood vessel
4.Source of vitamine-C

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