Friday, May 7, 2010


Synonym: Myrobalan
Botanical Source: Myrobalan consist of the dried fruits of terminatia chebula.

1. Semi meture fruits
Colour: Yellowish brown
Shape: Ovoid
surface: Wainkled longitudinally hard & strong
Seed Colour: Light yellow
Odour & Taste: Astringnet & some sweetish
2.Young Fruits
Deep brown to blank
Shape: Elongated and both side tapering
Size: Smaller in size than semimatire fruits
Surface: Hard longitudinal ribs and wrinkled
Odourless and Taste: Astringent or Bitter

Chemical Constituants
Tannis(30%),pyrogallal type,chebulagic acid, chebulic acid,gallic acid etc.Oleorisins,carbohydrates.


1.As an external applicant to chronic ulcers and wounds
2.As a gargle in stomach

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