Monday, May 10, 2010


Synonym: Ispaghula,Spongal seeds
Botanical Source: Isapgol consist of the dried seedes plantago ovata
Family: Plantanginaceae


Size: 1-3.5cm(l) & 1-1.7mm(w)
Shape: Ovate and boate shaped with a dorsal or convex surface and ventral convex surface v-sur-a deep furrow may be seen,Hileum which is covered by thin membrane appears as a red spot in the centre
Ordour&Taste: Mucilagenous

Active Constituents

Carbohydrates-mucilage(pentosan + Aldobonic acid),Pentoson-hydoxylose + arabinose,Aldobionic acid.hyd-galanturonic acid + rhamnose

2.In chronic constipation
3.In chronic diarrhoea

Friday, May 7, 2010


Synonym: Myrobalan
Botanical Source: Myrobalan consist of the dried fruits of terminatia chebula.

1. Semi meture fruits
Colour: Yellowish brown
Shape: Ovoid
surface: Wainkled longitudinally hard & strong
Seed Colour: Light yellow
Odour & Taste: Astringnet & some sweetish
2.Young Fruits
Deep brown to blank
Shape: Elongated and both side tapering
Size: Smaller in size than semimatire fruits
Surface: Hard longitudinal ribs and wrinkled
Odourless and Taste: Astringent or Bitter

Chemical Constituants
Tannis(30%),pyrogallal type,chebulagic acid, chebulic acid,gallic acid etc.Oleorisins,carbohydrates.


1.As an external applicant to chronic ulcers and wounds
2.As a gargle in stomach

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Synonym: Gum Benzoin
Botanical Source: Benzoin is a balasmic resin obtained from the incised stum of styrex benzoin
Family: Styraceae


Form appears as hard masses,consisting of tears embedded in a translucent,reddish brown matrix
Fracture: birittle
Odour: Aromatic,balsamic and pleasant
Size: Varies
Surface: Rough but smooth tears
Taste: Slightly acid

Active Constituents

Balsamic acid,linnamic acid 20%,Benzoic acid 10%,triterpenoid acid,siaresinole acid,samarisinoic acid


3.Diuretic property
4.Ingrediant of compound benzoin tinuture

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Synonym: Devils dung
Botanical source: asafoetida is the oleo-gum-resin obtained by incising the rhizomes and roots of ferula asafoetida
Family: Umbelliferae


Comersial asafoetida occures in two form
1.Tears either in round or flattened forms.
Size: 1-3cm
Colour: Dull Yellow,Greyish White
2.Masses-Most-Common form
Tears agglutinate to form masses and also contain imparites like piece of fruit,root etc.
Surface: Rough
Fracture: Brittle
Odour: Storng

Active Constituents

Volatile oil(4-20%), isobatyl propanyl disulphide also responsible for bad smell.Resines(40-65%), free arasesinol tannol as well in combination with fermic acid.


1.As a Carminative
2.As a Expentorant
3.As antipasmodic
4.As a laxative

Monday, May 3, 2010


Synonym: Long needle pine
Botanical Source: Colephony is the solid residue obtained after distilling the oleo resin from various species of pinus like D-longifolia,P-ecchinata
Family: Pinaceae


Form: Angular masses,glassy&irregular
Colour: pale or brownish yellow
Odour&Taste: Faintly terbinthinate
Solubility: Being a resin,insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol,ether,benzene,glacial acetic acid & light petrolium

Active Constituents

Resin acids-Resin acids or diterpene acid like abiatic acid(90%) Nutralk inert substane(resenes) Ester of Fatty acid


1.In ointments and plasters
2.Manufacturing of varnishes and disinfectant liquids

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Synonym: Indian Dill
Botanical Source: Dill consist of dried fruits of anethum graviolense
Family: Umbelliferae


Type of Fruits : cremocarp,market sample comparises of both entire as well as seperated mericarp
Form: Broadly ovate,dorsally compressed and has thin,flat wings
Colour: Pale brown and some variety greyish green as well
surface: Yellowish primary ridges
Odour and Taste: aromatic and spicy

Active Constituents:

volatile oil(3-3.5%),dill-carvone(50-60%) dihdro carvone in traces,d-limonene,phellendrone
Indian Dill-Dill apiole(toxic and poisonous),carvone(15-30%),dihydrocarvone(4-12%) and myrist thymol and 30-40% of hydrocarbons

2.Used also stimulant
3.Indian dill because of poisonous substance is not generally used expect in veterinory practices

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Synonym: Cutch tree
Botanical source: Black catechu consist of dried acqous extract prepared from the heart wood of Acacia catachu
Family: Leguminosae


colour: Black or dark brown
Form: Irregular masses or cubes
surface: Rough,dull or slightlyglassy and porous
Feature: Very brittle breaking in to powdery masses
Odour: none
Taste: Bitter to taste with forms Sweet & finally astringent

Active constituents
Tannis Catachins(2-12%),catechutemic acid(20-60%) a condansation product of acatachin,flavonoids-quercetin & its derivaties


2.Cooling and digestive
3.Used in relaxed conditions of throat,mouth&gum