Monday, May 3, 2010


Synonym: Long needle pine
Botanical Source: Colephony is the solid residue obtained after distilling the oleo resin from various species of pinus like D-longifolia,P-ecchinata
Family: Pinaceae


Form: Angular masses,glassy&irregular
Colour: pale or brownish yellow
Odour&Taste: Faintly terbinthinate
Solubility: Being a resin,insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol,ether,benzene,glacial acetic acid & light petrolium

Active Constituents

Resin acids-Resin acids or diterpene acid like abiatic acid(90%) Nutralk inert substane(resenes) Ester of Fatty acid


1.In ointments and plasters
2.Manufacturing of varnishes and disinfectant liquids

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