Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Synonym: Devils dung
Botanical source: asafoetida is the oleo-gum-resin obtained by incising the rhizomes and roots of ferula asafoetida
Family: Umbelliferae


Comersial asafoetida occures in two form
1.Tears either in round or flattened forms.
Size: 1-3cm
Colour: Dull Yellow,Greyish White
2.Masses-Most-Common form
Tears agglutinate to form masses and also contain imparites like piece of fruit,root etc.
Surface: Rough
Fracture: Brittle
Odour: Storng

Active Constituents

Volatile oil(4-20%), isobatyl propanyl disulphide also responsible for bad smell.Resines(40-65%), free arasesinol tannol as well in combination with fermic acid.


1.As a Carminative
2.As a Expentorant
3.As antipasmodic
4.As a laxative

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