Saturday, May 1, 2010


Synonym: Indian Dill
Botanical Source: Dill consist of dried fruits of anethum graviolense
Family: Umbelliferae


Type of Fruits : cremocarp,market sample comparises of both entire as well as seperated mericarp
Form: Broadly ovate,dorsally compressed and has thin,flat wings
Colour: Pale brown and some variety greyish green as well
surface: Yellowish primary ridges
Odour and Taste: aromatic and spicy

Active Constituents:

volatile oil(3-3.5%),dill-carvone(50-60%) dihdro carvone in traces,d-limonene,phellendrone
Indian Dill-Dill apiole(toxic and poisonous),carvone(15-30%),dihydrocarvone(4-12%) and myrist thymol and 30-40% of hydrocarbons

2.Used also stimulant
3.Indian dill because of poisonous substance is not generally used expect in veterinory practices

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