Monday, May 10, 2010


Synonym: Ispaghula,Spongal seeds
Botanical Source: Isapgol consist of the dried seedes plantago ovata
Family: Plantanginaceae


Size: 1-3.5cm(l) & 1-1.7mm(w)
Shape: Ovate and boate shaped with a dorsal or convex surface and ventral convex surface v-sur-a deep furrow may be seen,Hileum which is covered by thin membrane appears as a red spot in the centre
Ordour&Taste: Mucilagenous

Active Constituents

Carbohydrates-mucilage(pentosan + Aldobonic acid),Pentoson-hydoxylose + arabinose,Aldobionic acid.hyd-galanturonic acid + rhamnose

2.In chronic constipation
3.In chronic diarrhoea

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